Top 10 Best Planeswalkers in MTG – 3. Jace, the Mind Sculptor

February 23, 2025 By p个护家清k

I find it hard to believe we live in a world where Jace, the Mind Sculptor isn’t one of the most-played planeswalkers across blue-based control decks. For years and years, this card was so good, widely seen as the very best planeswalker and one of the best cards ever printed. Jace broke Standard in half back in the Caw-Blade era, defined slower Legacy decks, was banned from Modern for years, and now… I mean, he still sees play, here and there, but he has not lived up to his former reputation as the greatest of all time. Still, you’ve got to respect the classics, and a decade or so of being at the top means it’ll be a long time before Jace, the Mind Sculptor isn’t included in lists like these.